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It's a humanitarian act to individuate!  It begins with us individually, but it's impossible without everyone!!

Individuating is a process of divine humility. Not one human being exiting or entering this domain of consciousness is better or worse than another. Why? Because we are connected in the unconscious realm as the collective unconscious!! We are one spirit, my darlings, experiencing individual spaces of conscious experience! Now, each one of us are very responsible for this consciousness. And the individuation process, in conjunctive use with astrology, guides us back to each other! This idea is called Dualistic Unity. It exists in everything in this particular domain of consciousness. And I look forward to teaching Jung's wisdom that he left with humanity to heal the world!! Each one of us is called to take the heroes journey and alchemize ourselves to teach the world! This is the goal of human beings as consciousness! If you look at a picture of Jung's eyes, you can see his Aquarius nature! His wisdom, gleaned from his inward journey, can guide us into the Aquarian Age!

We all are walking, living, breathing legends of divinity! Each one of us!

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